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2024 Junior End-of-Year Dance Showcase




Date: Friday, 8th November 3:30 PM - 5 PM

Arrival Time: 3:30 PM 

Pick-up time: 5PM 

Location: Denmark Civic Centre


Date: Saturday 9th November

Dress rehearsal: 

Arrival Time: 9 AM 

Pick-up Time: 11 AM

Concert Arrival Time: 2pm

Concert Start Time: 3pm

Concert Pick-up Time: 4pm

Location: Denmark Civic Centre

Classes Involved in the 2024 Junior Concert:

Primary (6-7yrs): Ballet & Hip Hop

Junior (8-9yrs): Contemporary, Hip Hop, and Jazz



  • Costume hire: $35 per costume

  • In-house rehearsal fee: $75 (Covers extra rehearsals, administration, etc)

  • Film Footage and Professional Photographer Fee: $15 

  • Concert Tickets: Price TBC




We believe the key to a confident and happy performer is preparation. During Term 4, it is important to attend as many classes as possible (except during times of illness).  During our weekly classes our students learn choreography, positions and transitions, develop muscle memory, kinaesthetic awareness and grow/ connect with their classmates in the lead up to the show.


On the day before and the day of our concert, our students get the opportunity to practice on stage, in their costumes. This is a very important event and is mandatory for all students wanting to perform. Besides building confidence on the stage, during these rehearsals, students learn the following:

-       Backstage etiquette

-       How to organise quick changes

-       How to navigate around the stage before, during and after their dance

-       OH&S practices of the theatre

By engaging in the above areas, our students at DDC hit the stage with pride and confidence, resulting in an unforgettable experience for performer and audience alike.



We will need to be notified of any medical concerns prior to the concert, please email with required action plans.  

-       Epi-pens, asthma puffers and all medication need to be bagged and labelled 

-       For the ease of locating, all medication will be kept in one location

-       Students will need to remember to take their medications home



Tickets will go on sale closer to the event and you will be notified with plenty of warning once we have the confirmed sale date. We always announce ticket sales first to our DDC parents (ensuring you have the opportunity to grab tickets) before we announce to the wider community. 


Our concerts are a mix of newly purchased costumes by DDC and up-cycled costumes. We try to hire out as many costumes as we can at DDC. We do this to help reduce single use and therefore subsequent landfill. The hire fee covers the use of the DDC costumes, and any alterations / cleaning required.  Whilst we are already taking measurements, ordering, and altering costumes, the students will not receive their costumes till the week before the show and will return their costumes to their teachers at the end of the show.

Returning the costumes:  All costumes will be returned to us at the theatre at the end of the show, therefore students will need to pack a change of clothes to go home in.

* Please note that any damage and misplaced items of hired costumes whilst in your care will result in a full purchase fee.


At DDC, we prefer very minimal or no “stage make up” for younger dancers. When you are on a stage with good lighting, your features can be washed out, therefore, some make-up can be used to enhance your natural facial features. 

Leading up to the concert, we will send out a costume and hair requirement document to help you prepare for the big day.



All of our concerts are professionally filmed, edited and uploaded onto our private Vimeo account for the families of DDC to access to stream for years to come.


Can parents watch the technical and dress rehearsal?

A: No, during rehearsals we strive to create a professional, focused environment, and we also want to keep the concert a surprise. Due to the amount of children who are involved in the Junior concert we do not have the room for parents in the backstage areas. We have select parent volunteers helping out backstage as well as our youth trainee dance teachers. Please speak with us if you would like to be a parent volunteer or if there are concerns.


If we can not attend the concert, can we still enrol in Term 4? 

A. No, concert participation is mandatory for enrolment in Term 4. Otherwise, dance classes with some students performing and others not, become challenging to manage.


What is a body stocking and do we have to purchase one?

A: It is a flesh coloured undergarment that is perfect to wear under costumes. We highly recommend students who are in multiple items wear a bodystocking. They can be purchased at the beginning of Term 4 DDC. 

Can we film the concert on our phones?

A: No, we have the concert professionally filmed and it is a policy of DDC that you do not film or photograph our concerts.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have other questions or concerns. 

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